Thursday, April 19, 2012

Are any of the main attractions in Paris under maintenance?


From previous travels I know that there is always a chance that main attractions might be under maintenance. I still remember coming to Milano and finding the entire front of the Duomo covered. Or coming to Paris a few years ago and finding parts of Notre Dame covered. I have heard that there is some work taking place at Versailles but what about the other main attraction such as Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame, Sacre-Coeur, Louvre, Sainte Chapelle, Pompidou etc. I guess there is not much you can do about it but it helps being prepared for the %26quot;shock%26quot; Wink




The Hall of Mirrors at Versailles is still under renovation.


For Notre Dame, the good news is that all the scaffolding came down last month and she%26#39;s looking very beautiful. The restoration is pretty impressive.


the Musée L%26#39;Orangerie (where Monet%26#39;s six foot Waterlilies panels are displayed) has been closed for an eon but is allegedly scheduled to open in May of this year.


There are ALWAYS some galleries and collections within the Musée du Louvre that are temporarily closed for work...but you can usually find out which and when throgh the %26#39;..SCHEDULE of CLOSURES..%26#39;page at the Louvre%26#39;s main web site--…


Didn%26#39;t the hall of mirrors just recently reopen?


only the half closed has reopened, and in exchange the other half is now closed


The lower chapel of Sainte Chapelle is under renovation, but work doesn%26#39;t interfere with viewing the amazing stained glass upstairs.

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