Sunday, April 15, 2012

what to keep 13 year old boy amused?

Hi, coming for very short (5 day) trip to Paris in a week or so. Daughter art junkie and will enjoy all museums etc., but what to do with art-phobic 13yo son? He is incipient engineer type....any suggestions, please?



You can take him to the Musee des Arts et Metiers and to the Eiffel Tower. He can walk the steps up and the the inside of the structure.


Oui, I second Arts et Metiers. He might also like Cite des Sciences et de l%26#39;Industrie. The sewer museum could be interesting--it%26#39;s a mix of icky stuff and engineering stuff that a 13 year old boy would probably like--and it makes for great stories for his classmates about touring the sewers. The Catacombs are usually a good bet for boys that age, too.


If you%26#39;re over on the Left Bank, be sure to make a stop down at DEYROLLE%26#39;s at 46 rue du Bac (at rue de Gribeauval--just a few doors up from Blvd. St. Germain), 75007, Metro: RUE du BAC--


Well my 14 yr old boy does not like art either, but, he enjoyed parts of the Lourve very much. The Egyptian mummies, the Medievil Lourve, Napoleons apartments.

He also loved the Catacombs, underground tunnels , bones, what is not to like? LOL

He also counted climbing the stairs at the Effiel Tower as a huge hit, you can really see more of the inside engineering by stair climbing.

There is more then you think to love in Paris, my son is not at all the type( he is a typical long haired skate boarding,guitar playing teen) one would think would love a trip to Paris, but, he did. He did not enjoy the time we spent looking at the Greek/Roman scluptures at the Louvre, in fact after about 15 minutes his comment was %26quot; lets go its all just naked men %26quot; LOL He didn%26#39;t see the %26quot; art%26quot; in it at all, LOL


Well my 14 yr old boy does not like art either

If the kid is still playful you can do a scavenger hunt in a museum. Give him some images to look for. They often say they do not like art because it is unfamiliar and not %26quot;cool%26quot; but they do retain some of it. It is also very interesting to look at the city through the museum windows. Especially at Musee d%26#39;Orsay where you can photograph through the clocks.

Keeping time spent in a museum to a minimum is the key if they are not very willing.

My son could not understand the big deal with Mona Lisa when there were so many paintings that were much BIGGER... Their point of view is often refreshing.


Also the Palais de la Découverte, esp everyday they have an experiment about electricity, in French but your boy will like it as it is visual


My 12 year old daughter and I spent a couple of days in Paris in January. She is both an art lover and the engineering type. She hopes to be an architect someday. The Eiffel Tower is a must. My daughter spent so much time marveling at the structure, how it stayed up, how the elevators worked. All of it was so interesting to her.

Because your daughter loves art, there is every chance your son will spend time in the wonderful museums of Paris. By all means purchase the audio tour. Each of you will receive an audio player to hang around your necks. As you wander through the museum your son will have fun looking for the numbers next to certain important pieces of art work, plugging in the number and hopefully learning something along the way. Your daughter will enjoy the audio because she will learn so much about the art she is seeing. After watching this forum, it seems that every child loves the Egyptian wing at the Louvre. My daughter loved it, PHREAD%26#39;s daughter (one of the Paris Experts on this forum), loves it, most kids love this part of the museum.

Have a great time with your kids in Paris. Don%26#39;t miss the crepe vendors at the bottom of the Eiffel Tower. Our favorites were the Nutella crepe and the strawberry jam with whipped cream crepe. Have a great time! Moms


Consider taking a Segway Tour! This was the highlight of the trip for our teenagers 2 years ago.…


The cité des Sciences has an expo about %26quot;Star Wars%26quot;. He should like it, as well as the other expos there.


When a group of three 20-somethings found ourselves in Paris on Monday with all of the museums closed, we decided to venture up to the Parc La Villete, Paris%26#39;s largest green space. In addition to a science museum and auditoriums (which we didn%26#39;t explore), the park has a number of themed gardens and the most creative playground we%26#39;ve ever seen, fun for kids and adults (and teens) alike. It turned out to be our favorite attraction in Paris. It%26#39;s a great break from museums and a nice place to get some playful exercise and fresh air.

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