A web site that I was looking at indicated that 8 May is a holiday. What kind of a holiday is it? Will it impact on tourist type activities?
I think it%26#39;s their equivalent of Labor Day..or at the least, a holiday for sure...
Some things will be closed and some won%26#39;t...You%26#39;ll probably see a lot of French people out enjoying the day along with you..
8th may is WWII end.. Most of the shops are closed, just like a sunday for example.
Are there likely to be festivities? Parades? Special light shows? Do they regularly do things to mark the event?
Be warned: May is the month of quite a few holidays in France. You can get this year%26#39;s dates from the Paris American Embassy web site so you can plan ahead.
These are the May holidays for 2006
May 1 Labor Day
May 8 WWII Victory Day
May 25 Ascension Day
This is a useful website for holidays in various countries
We will actually be leaving Paris for Rome on May 25, Ascension Day. Does anyone know if this will have any impact on us? We%26#39;ll be leaving early, early in the morning but since it%26#39;s a holiday, will we have a problem getting a taxi?
Order the taxi the evening before. There will be a lot less traffic than usual.
You may find you have a lot of local folks out enjoying the holiday with you...Last year I was treated to a really special VE Day parade on the Champs Elysees...Nobody does those better than the French..oh those uniforms and those flags flying...
Definitely take Cocochanel%26#39;s advice to order a taxi the night before your departure on a holiday...not only will there be less traffic..There will also be fewer taxis working...We departed on Pentecost lundi one year and it took almost an hour for one to show up at our hotel to take us to the airport...Even the taxi drivers take the day off....
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