Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Moving with pets to France or Germany

Hallo there, I wonder if anyone can help with advice?

I%26#39;m leaving Turkey to return to the UK, but don%26#39;t want to put my cats %26amp; dogs into UK quarantine. From speaking to DEFRA, it seems if I take them to an EU country and stay there for 6 months, and of course have all the correct microchips, vaccinations %26amp; paperwork, then I can bring them to the UK without going through quarantine. So, the question is, which EU country is most animal friendly?

Has anyone taken cats and/or dogs into either France or Germany, both of which seem to have good airlinks with both Turkey %26amp; the UK? Did you have any major problems at the point of entry, or was it fairly straightforward?

Or has anyone taken pets from Turkey into an eU country, and what was your experience?

I%26#39;d be grateful for any advice which will make the whle process as stress-free as possible for my pets.




Before answering it would be helpful to know what breed of dog you intend bringing into any EU country as most countries within the EU now have very stringent dog control legislation (some might say punitive). Several breeds are banned under varying legislation, whilst other breeds have conditions attached to ownership such as muzzling at all times.

The French Gov website at:


May help you with this

Best wishes


Last month we had freinds visiting from SF and they brought their little dog along without any problems, so it can be done.


My puppy had a chip put in 3 years ago in France...I forget the length of time required to certify the blood tests,produce paperwork and a pet passport, but it may have(?) been quicker than 6 months....I%26#39;m not sure if it takes longer for a non EU dog??? (I%26#39;d suggest calling a French vet and asking them the length of time required).Since then I have traveled back and forth to the UK on several occasions with no problem.

At entry they wave an electronic wand over the animal,check a database, make sure all your dogs vacine paperwork matches, and let you through...It takes 5 minutes....Note: There also %26quot;may be%26quot; a required order or time sequence for vacine booster shots and blood work....you may want to ask about that to make sure all documents have dates and stamps in the appropriate order...They check that as well in my experience.....

The vets in France are top notch professionals,often better than ones I visit in the US...

Another note: British Airways is the only airline that flies into the UK from France with pets....No carry on tote bags are permitted.

The Hoverspeed to Dover allows pets..... Eurostar does not allow them through the tunnel.



However Eurotunnel do allow this, and you remain with your pet during the crossing, unlike the ferry or plane. We have used this service successfully for a few years now.

All the previous paperwork has been replaced by a simple %26quot;Pet Passport%26quot; which is EU wide. A Microchip is also compulsory.

A rabies jab is required and then three weeks afterwards a blood test to confirm that the animal is protected.

The passport is then issued in the UK for two years from the date of the blood test.

In France this is only one year and has caused confusion with several French Veterinary Practices.

A common failing however is that the microchip can move through the dog%26#39;s body!

Check with a scanner at your local vets before leaving

For your information Eurotunnel provide a list on request of French Vets who are familiar with the procedure to return your pet to the UK, as they must be vaccinated and sprayed (for ticks)between 24hrs/48hrs of entry into UK.

Incidentally we took both %26quot;our girls%26quot; to Paris during the summer and enjoyed %26quot;doing%26quot; all the famous sites that for years we have ommitted. (See the small photograph). They were photographed in front of Notre Dam, the Eiffel Tower, Pont Neuf, The Arc de Triomphe, had lunch on the terrace at Fouquets, where they were served first with a bowl of water before we were even offered!!

We had a great time!

Best wishes


Thanks a lot for all this, folks - the dogs (there are four) are all mongrels, but none is any sort of guard dog or fighting-type dog. They wouldn%26#39;t be allowed in an airline cabin, though (too big and too many!)

However, the flight time from Turkey to France isn%26#39;t too bad, it%26#39;s the paperwork which worries me, particularly since Turkey tends to be rather %26quot;hit %26amp; miss%26quot; with bureaucracy.


Hi there,

I see you are trying to move your pets to the UK from Turkey. I%26#39;m in a similar situation. In 2003 we moved from the UK to Istanbul with our female labrador. We travelled by British Airways. No problems geeting there!.. However, I unexpectedly had to return to the UK 3 months ago, and I%26#39;d love to bring my pet back very soon. Currently my dog is being looked after by family members out in Istanbul, however it%26#39;s not an ideal situation. What with quarantine rules here in the UK I just couldn%26#39;t put my dog through 6 mths quarantine!... Therefore, if you receive or know of any other ways round this quarantine, I%26#39;d be most grateful for the info... Thanks for your time!


Quarantine sounds like animal cruelty to me...in this day and age?...

I%26#39;d contact the French embassy/consulate in Turkey to get the requirements and perhaps they could direct you to a vet there who%26#39;d know what is expected...Microchipping is a good idea no matter what and required...I would think France would be a relatively easy stopping point for your transition...I have no knowledge or experience with Germany...Once I flew back to the states wtih a gent who has a second house near Avignon...His pug commutes back and forth with him....in his carrier under the seat...Pug%26#39;s facial expression said it all about how we felt on that westbound flight!


The quarantine is because of rabies - the UK (officially, anyway) doesnt have rabies, and is trying to stay that way.

Youd be best off contacting DEFRA (I assume you have.......) and maybe the animal charities in the countries you%26#39;re thinking of.


Being part of the military I have moved quite a lot with my pets including to and from Turkey. I had no problems as long as you ensure that all your paperwork is up to date. When you get to your new european country you will have to start the process all over again. If your animal is microchipped they just get the vaccination. One month later you get the blood test and 6 months you can travel after getting the deworming shots etc. I will actually be going to the UK this year and have contacted Defra about this and there seems to be no problem. If you do take your animal outside of the approved countries during this time period you will have to start all over again.HTH.

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