Thursday, April 12, 2012

One day in Paris

We will be arriving by Eurostar for a one day excursion to Paris. We (husband and I in our 30%26#39;s) would like to see the biggies (Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, possibly a quick peak at Mona Lisa). I am a little nervous about trying to navigate in a country where neither one of us know any of the language. We are considering doing one of the open bus hop-on/hop-off tours. Is this our best option? Which one do you recommend? Any other suggestions? Thanks in advance, Susie


Language is a minor hurdle. Be polite (not too loud), patient and understanding. You%26#39;ll get by fine.

I recommend walking. Eurostar lets you off at Gare du Nord. Take a bus or Metro over to Cathedrale Notre Dame (it%26#39;s all of a mile%26#39;s distance--you can walk this too). From there, a walk to the Eiffel Tower via the Mona Lisa in the Louvre is not much more than a couple miles. It%26#39;s a very nice walk too.

A taxi wouldn%26#39;t be a bad idea either, except that you%26#39;ll need to load up on euros. (The UK doesn%26#39;t use them.) The distances are so short, that its price premium over bus/Metro won%26#39;t be much.


Hello SusieR.,

I once did the same trip from London to Paris via the Eurostar. If you didn%26#39;t already get your ticket, treat yourself to the first class ticket on that. It was very nice and spacious and they had wonderful service on board. I departed around 5 am from London, and by the end of the day in Paris I was winded.

I did the Louvre Museum, the Eiffel Tower, and travelled the Metro. It was far too fast and I was impressed with what I saw in Paris. I ended up at a cafe type of bar near the Eiffel and even missed my Eurostar going back to London, because I indulged just a bit too long at the cafe!!! I found a hotel close to the Eiffel that was reasonable, and departed the next morning on the first Eurostar out to London on the advice of the Eurostar counter. I arrived only a few minutes late for the night train but those things leave on time!

Upon arrival or departure, they have a nice personal showers area called %26#39;McClean%26#39; where you can take a nice reviving shower.

If this is your first time there you will really love it. I loved the nice sandwich shops that had all the sandwiches on display on very nice rolls and croissants. Very European! I loved it, and would love to return to Paris.

Here%26#39;s another tip, try to make your visit to the Eiffel near dusk, if you have the time because they light it up really nicely when it gets dark.


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