Hi there, We are coming to Paris on the Thalyas from Brussels on the 23rd. We want to rent a car from the Gar de Nord station and then we are staying a Boyers les Crayers. What companies should we use in France? So many. Do you need special license? Insurance. Amex will cover car. How is driving? Thanks so much Help? This is my last detail everything else is done.
I am a longtime customer of Autoeurope, www.autoeurope.com.
Some have reported good pricing at Avis.
If you are coming from Brussels, do you have the option of disembarking at Charles de Gaule? This would be faster and a lot easier for travel to Reims than actually going downtown. For the best route try www.viamichelin.com
Special drivers licenses are not required. Insurance you may have in the US is probably not valid in France, most people use the insurance provided with their credit card (these vary widely, check with your card company). Of course you may also buy additional insurance from the rental company, expensive but it may offer peace of mind.
Driving out of/into Paris is like any large city, avoid rush hour but especially Friday and Sunday evenings (the time of the weekend exodus)
For more information about driving in France, try:
JLMCELROY, we stuck to a name we recognized Hertz but that was at CDG airport. I think the site you booked your rail ticket on has links for rental car companies near the train station. Don%26#39;t know where Boyers les Crayers is but if it is in the Paris area I would recommend sticking to the Metro a three day pass was only about 37 euro and much quicker then driving. Parking in Paris is close to impossible, it seemed every inch of curb space was taken and the cars are parked bumper to bumper, how they got out was a mistery. Driving on the outskirts of Paris is a breeze but in Paris can be a nightmare. Street names change after a couple of blocks than can turn into one way. As for license, as long as your over 21 and have had your US license over 2 years your good to go. I checked with my insurance company and was told that they do not cover anything on cars rented internationaly so say yes on all the insurance the rental company charges. Even with all this if you get into a fender bender or worse your still resonsible for about $1000.00 deductable. Make sure when you ask AMEX about their insurance protection you clearly state your driving in France. On our trip we drove to the Loire Valley and that was a blast, country driving is easy, Paris is challenging. We only got honked at once because we weren%26#39;t sure if %26quot;right on red%26quot; was ok, otherwise we followed what the other drivers did and came out without a scratch. I think we are braver than most people though and it turned out to be a great part of the experience.
Where is Boyers les Crayers? Is it the Les Boyers next to Marseilles? Because if this is the case, no need to bother driving from Paris, just take the train. Whatever Boyers may be, you%26#39;d be better off training to some nearby station and renting from there. And yes, as the previous poster says it: driving and parking in Paris = driving and parking in NYC, with a more complicated city set up. So you figure... Plus, gas is at €1.30 a liter (that%26#39;s about $ 6 a gallon), all the autoroutes are toll, etc. You can calculate the actual cost of a journey on www.viamichelin.com
KanaGirl and Bob,
JLMCELROY means Boyer %26quot;Les Crayeres%26quot; in Reims. So I quick drive out along the A4. Come on you must have heard of it!
Be sure to rent your car from the USA if you are renting for three days or more otherwise rent from a French company it would then be cheaper.
Are your talking about the extra American Express Rental car coverage that they charge $24.99 extra if you put it on your cc?
I too am doing that.
If you list a second driver on the USA car rental their is a flat fee of $25.00 for the extra person if you do it in France it is an extra $25.00 per day.
Please note unless you get insurance %26quot;complete%26quot; from the USA you still will have a huge thieft and accident deductible about $300.00 that is where the extra car insurance from American Express comes in handy!
I rent from Auto Europe. I would check out all prices on line for car rentals for pricing. Have fun!
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