We had planned to get tkts to the ballet (which is a premiere performance-May 23) through the concierge services of our apt rental. They use a ticketing agency CITYRAMA. They won%26#39;t go through the opera house because they say they are unreliable. But now CITYRAMA says the opera house isn%26#39;t making any tkts available to them. Does any one have any experience buying tkts on-line for the ballet? Is the fact that it is a premiere performance the problem? It appears the tkts are for sale on the Opera de Paris website but even with the page translated, it is mostly french and I can%26#39;t figure it out. Can someone please HELP? We%26#39;ll be so disappointed if we can%26#39;t go!
If you call the box office they will have the best selection of seats, even the cheaper seats that may not be offered on line. They do speak english. If it is sold out, you could still get seats the night of the show at the box office. I got seats to George Ballenchine%26#39;s Joyeaux by showing up for a sold out performance the day of at 6 Euro each! We could see about 3/4 the stage, but for the price and a bird%26#39;s eye view of the orchestra and stage it was well worth it!!
Go to this site which is a translation site
Put in the below URL
The babelfish site translates the site into English.
With the translation it is easy to navigate the site to order tickets.
The online site of the Opéra de Paris is perfectly safe and reliable. I use it all the time.
Go to %26#39;calendrier%26#39;. Then %26#39;mai%26#39; then click the date (Mai 23). Then %26#39;réserver%26#39;.
There are tix for that evening from 16€ to 63€. From that stage onwards, you%26#39;ll find the English flag and you can continue your reservation process in English.
BTW, it%26#39;s the %26#39;Jeunes Danseurs%26#39; evening. While it%26#39;s the first night, it%26#39;s not a premiere performance per se. Regular first evenings are a whole lot more expensive.
Bonne chance!
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