Saturday, April 21, 2012


Where you REALLY get absinthe in Paris these days -- or anywhere in France??? I%26#39;ve seen that the bar in Hotel Fromentin serves it, but NONE of the review of the hotel even mention it.


My brother asked me to bring back absinthe from Paris (he%26#39;s in his 20s and thinks its cool because of the high alcohol content). But I%26#39;ve heard it%26#39;s illegal in the U.S. Is that true?


There is an interesting story about a scientist from Louisiana, T.A. Breaux, who became very curious about absinthe and started investigating its mysteries. Read more about him here:

There is a good deal of general information here:

These sources shoud lead to purchase locatoins and options.


I drank absinthe in Prague--it was horrifically disgusting. I can%26#39;t stress enough: it does not taste good, no matter how much sugar you put in it, no matter which expensive brand it is. Of course, drink it anyway! Mediachick: it is illegal in the U.S. Customs will take it from you (or worse) if they search your stuff. Isn%26#39;t it also illegal in France?


I bought it in the duty free shop at CDG. It was $11 for a small bottle. My college age son and his roommates wanted it.


I%26#39;m with spailey

its foul....

foul foul

if theyre looking for a hallucinogen theres plenty of other methods that taste much better


But are they legal???


There is a new formula that makes it legal now in France. There was a thread on this a few months ago.


According to a friend of mine in Homeland Security (which used to be customs), absinthe continues to be illegal in the U.S. I%26#39;ve actually had really good absinthe from Spain, and some made in France years ago. But I also like pastis a lot, and absinthe is similar. The stuff from Czech republic is, in fact, so vile I would never try it again.


Real absinthe is illegal in most places because the flavouring (wormwood, I think) will build to toxic levels in your system, although I seem to remember that it addles the brain (rather like syphillis does I believe the description I read said) quite a while before it kills you.

Last night sitting in a local bar I saw a bottle of Absinte, which appears to be a non-toxic substitute. I have no idea how much or little its flavour resembles the real thing, but you could try it and see for yourself.


Absinthe with thujone is illegal in most of Europe and also is illegal to bring it to the US. Most the Absinthe traded commercially is w/o

thujone and has no restrictions, you can even buy it through the internet in the States. Basically it is a bitter green anisee and that%26#39;s why is diluted with sweetened cold water. Pernod originated from detoxified Absinthe .

I been told that the full strength absinthe can be bought in Andorra and the Czech Republic but can not attest to it.

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