We are hoping to spend time in Corsica in Mid-April- will places be open then? Any recommendations on cheap %26amp; cheerful places to stay?
I%26#39;ve been there in April a couple of times - it%26#39;s great then, and there will still be snow on the high mountains. It won%26#39;t be crowded, the flowers will be fantastic, *some* of the restaurants and bars will be open and you will probably get some hot days. You may get rain as well, but who cares? If you are there over Easter, try and get to see an Easter procession - spectacular even if (like me) you are not especially religous.
For accommodation, you could explore some of the hotels on this site, or try browsing laterooms, www.corsicaholiday.com, or www.visit-corsica.com. You are sure to get somewhere if you book now. Have a great holiday!
Most things hear open around Easter time,Its a great time to visit.
I prefer that time of the year to visit.Pleasant variable weather lots of room.Don%26#39;t tell anyone though.
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