Saturday, March 24, 2012

Advice Sought re: Carrying Stuff Around

Hi, everyone:

I%26#39;ll be in Paris for 8 days in early May. I%26#39;m wondering if it would be ridiculous for me to bring my backpack to sling over my shoulder, since I%26#39;ll have often have with me my laptop, camera, etc.

Here in NYC it%26#39;s not unusual to see people my age (45) walking around with Jansport backs over their shoulder, but I%26#39;m not sure whether this is considered inappropriate in Paris. (I could bring my nylon briefcase instead, but that seems like an office accessory.)

Any input would be appreciated.




Hi Seth, I think a backpack would be perfectly acceptable in Paris. We usually carry one. Although we don%26#39;t usually carry around a laptop! We shove our camera, water bottle and whatever we think we%26#39;ll need in the backpack and off we go. It%26#39;s very useful because we%26#39;re usually out all day and need something larger than just my handbag.


I intentionally carried a messenger bag and not a backpack so that I felt more secure with the contents. The messenger bag is secured diagionally across your chest and can be situated toward your front or on your hip with your arm on top of the flap.

Unless you plan to sling your backpack or carry in on your chest, the conventional means of transporting it doesn%26#39;t really offer much security for high ticket items.


I also carry a small Jansport for camera, a book and other sundries. Just be aware that when entering museums, department stores, some public buildings, etc., you will probably be asked to open the bag.



livetotravel has the best answer to your

question. For information from many

of the TA contributors, put %26quot;travel bag%26quot;,

in the search box at the upper left.

It is not an issue of being ridiculous

but rather one of security.


I just came back from 7 days in Paris and found that with each day I carried less and less, like a balloonist shedding ballast. I realized this was a problem the first day when the size of my backpack kept me from getting up the stairs at Shakespeare and Co.


I have a back pack which I will be using in Paris. However I will be using a small padlock on the zips just to be on the safe side.


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The term %26quot;gypsy%26quot; used in a disparaging way is completely unacceptable on Trip Advisor. It is racist and ethnocentric. If you can%26#39;t be neutral in your judgements and use of derogatory terms, perhaps you can find a more appropriate place to spread your misinformation than on Trip Advisor.


Small padlocks on your backpack are no defense against the razor slashes some theives make.

Also make sure you do not stand in the door ways to the Metro as the theives like to grab and run the minute before the doors close!

Keep your backpack in front of you on the Metro. Just be aware of your surroundings ( people around you) at all times.


Agreed, but they can do exactly the same with hand bag straps - even if you wear them across your body.

It really is just deterrant value - if someone really wants something - they will take it!

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