ok, them my visa or mastercard will do it with no problem? Are the ATM comissions too high, I don%26#39;t have the problem of the exchange..so whats better, card or cash?
Being part of the Euro zone, you do not have ATM fees on your visa, nor do you have any supplement charges for paying with credit card.
Welcome in the EU and do however you feel!
are you sure?? because even here in spain if I don%26#39;t get the money in my bank%26#39;s ATM I have to pay a comission...I know there%26#39;s no extra charge for paying in credit card..but I%26#39;m not that sure about ATM...and about my question, was to know if there%26#39;s a lot of places taht won%26#39;t accept the credict card
Also..if Paris that expensive as everybody told me here in spain?
Well I use my Visa for cash withdrawal in Germany and I don%26#39;t pay anything, I have used it in Spain and didn%26#39;t pay anything either. I used in the UK (non EUR) and had to pay lots!
obviously it depends on your own bank, how they charge ATM fees. desdemona2 should ask his/her own bank.
Credit card for major purchases.
Don%26#39;t use it to get euros.
An ATM debit card is the ticket for
euros at ATM. Use Euros for daily
Make sure to contact the issuing
companies and tell them the dates
that you will be away.
Desdemona is coming from Spain, the rules are not quite the same.
I have a serious doubt but as far as I remember there has been a European law that allows Euro zone residents to withdraw cash in any (EUR)country without any fees, I am sure it is the case for all french banks but I guess the best is to ask the bank before you leave.
I think the question was what was better,
card or cash.
It may be different coming from Spain
to France.
If I understand your comment, she can
come to France from Spain and take euros
from a french ATM and not be charged a fee.
The bank from which she withdraws
the euros and her bank in Spain
don%26#39;t charge her anything ?
Desdemona2, You will need some euros, small shops/cafes often only take cash . Also, use Visa, more places take Visa then MasterCard or even Amex.
My bank here in Canada charged me no fees for using my ATM( except exchange of course made it seem exspensive) , it is the type of account I have. The ATMs I used in Paris also charged me no fees, I only used the bigger bank AtMs.
I think that if your trip is a short one you could just make one or two cash withdrawels and it is not so much in fees anyways, I mean, what is 2 or 3 euros when one is on vacation. ?
I did not find Paris too exspensive, London was much worse( the pound doesn%26#39;t help either). Of course Paris can be as exspensive as you want, there are the best stores, the best restaurants, the best of everything there, but, there are so many things that are not exspensive that it is up to you how much you spend.
Yes Randy that is exactly what I mean,
the purpose (at least one of them) of the Euro was to allow EU residents to travel without any kind of money issues.
These apply to cash just as credit cards. I know it from my personal experience and if I remember well it has been set officially on a European scale (but I am not sure 100% that%26#39;s why I suggested a quick call at the bank).
thanks everybody for your aswers!
I think I%26#39;ll ask my bank about the commisions, but we will take cash with us..the thing is that we have not to exchange the money, so the money we don%26#39;t espend it will go back to the bank!
Interesting that thing about not comission at ATM in euro zone...I%26#39;ll find out!
and about if is expensive...probably it is in compare with spain, but I%26#39;m not going to brand shops or expensive restaurants..and hey! I%26#39;m on vacation!
thank youuuuu
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