Saturday, March 24, 2012

Shoes at night?

I%26#39;m trying to buy some shoes to wear with a skirt to restaurants and clubs at night in Paris, and am wondering what French women are wearing this time of year. It seems too cold for sandals, which I typically wear with skirts in the spring and summer, but I%26#39;m wondering if it%26#39;s too warm for boots. What%26#39;s fashionable to wear with a skirt? I%26#39;m hoping to buy some shoes this weekend. Thanks for any fashion advice.


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69camaro, that is one chilly barn you live in! the question seemed perfectly acceptable to me. interesting first post...


I did not see the first post, but I think this is a good question and I was pulling up this thread just to see the answer as I want to know myself (I%26#39;m leaving soon too)!!

Can anyone help?? All woman know that packing shoes is the hardest part of packing in general. Trying to pick just a couple key pairs is very important and I am always faced with trying to narrow down about 12 pair to about 3 or 4 for a trip.

I would think boots are iffy depending on what the weather ends up being. Could be fine, but if weather turns springlike they would not be the best choice (although the short kind with pants would be better than tall boots with skirts as they aren%26#39;t as obvious). So, I would choose something that you know you will feel comfortable wearing. Being between seasons makes this aspect of travel even harder!!


At the moment, all of the women are wearing boots with skirts. The weather is changing, though, so maybe some of those rounded-toe (closed-toe) heels would fare better, since you can wear them in winter or spring. It seems that those uber-pointy witch-like heels aren%26#39;t so prevalent this year (but that%26#39;s just from watching folks on the metro).


Hey mediachick -

Whatever you choose, remember that almost anywhere you go in Paris you%26#39;ll be coping with cobble stones at some point. If you decide to wear a skinny high heel, be prepared for breakage; your heel if you%26#39;re lucky, your ankle if you%26#39;re not. I speak from experience. Now I wear a low chunky heel or a mary jane walking shoe that%26#39;s not clunky, but will never be trendy. It%26#39;s dressy enough for evening, but still comfortable. A woman%26#39;s face is the first and best indicator of an uncomfortable shoe.

It%26#39;s very hard for us to look as good as chic French women (and not all of them are - chic, I mean). You%26#39;ll notice they rely on a fabulous hair cut rather than all sorts of treatments. They seldom have as extensive a wardrobe as a woman from America, but every piece is high quality, carefully chosen to go with every other piece in the closet, chosen for its suitability to its owner and most important, fitted perfectly. A chic French woman is more interested in her own style than what%26#39;s trendy.

It%26#39;s very hard to not look like a tourist because we move differently than the French, or the English, or Italians or anyone else for that matter. Don%26#39;t sweat it, just be your own courteous self, and the French, in my experience, will be the same in return.

Bon voyage.


Thanks, everyone, for your feedback. Definitely no stiletto heels for me -- thanks for the reminder about the cobblestones! But waytogogirl is absolutely right -- it%26#39;s a struggle to figure out which shoes to pack, and I%26#39;d like to bring only one pair for evening if I can get away with it. I have to say, I tend to wear high-heel sandals at night even sometimes in the winter in New England. I%26#39;m not trying to look exactly like a French woman, which I know is impossible, I just don%26#39;t want to stick out horribly!

Any other advice on this would be appreciated.


Excellent point about smaller heels!

Another point about traveling as opposed to the people who live there--living out of a suitcase is much more challenging than dressing at home, with your entire %26quot;arsenal%26quot; of beauty products, wardrobe, and jewelry to choose from--another thing that helps make tourist from anywhere stand out anywhere, I think.

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