Hey guys,
I am 23 year old boy who is going (next month) for first time to paris...
I have been reading a lot about Paris and as far as i see, i am going to have a great time.
One of my friends, who came back from Paris told me that the shopping malls and prices are very very expensive. So i would like to ask those of u, who knows, where is the cheapest place to buy good and high quality clothing in paris?
i also heard that there is this big shopping mall/center, out of paris where u can reach by train and which reach by train and it has all brands and designer with lower prices than in paris itself... can u tell me what the name of that place?
Thank you so much for ur time... can%26#39;t wait to read u%26#39;r comments.
The area near Troyes contains numerous %26quot;outlets%26quot; reportedly with wonderful prices on clothing and other items. On my only visit, I found this to be more hype than actual value. Those coming from other parts of the world my find these offerings interesting but I shouldn%26#39;t expect any great deals.
The book %26quot;Paris Pas Cher%26quot; is a valuable source of discount retail information and maybe helpful. It is sold in bookstores throughout Paris.
If you%26#39;re looking for designer clothing (large european designers) then I rlly can%26#39;t imagine the prices in Paris are higher than Israeli prices ... your friends correct in saying that there are many expensive stores but i doubt that the prices are cheaper in Israel ... %26amp; also you can claim the tax back on your return ...
In my two experiences of Israel, I found it to be more expensive, at the time (1997 and 99), than Paris. But since the shekel might have lost value vis-à-vis the franc/euro.
The outlet you are talking about is called La Vallée, next to Disneyland Paris 25 km to the East of the city, and is reachable by RER. They have a website, you can google them. Otherwise you can try your luck in some of the high end second end stores in the 16th, where you%26#39;ll get branded formal clothing, some of it male, in impeccable condition, for a fraction of the price. The best known one is Réciproques.
Otherwise, foreigners in the know love to visit Le Mouton à Cinq Pattes on rue Saint-Placide in the 6th. It should meet your requirements.
ido4u -
%26quot;Who doesn%26#39;t like shopping ?%26quot;
I LOVE looking
I LIKE shopping/buying
I HATE paying my Visa bill !
RANDY- You were so so so right... i couldn%26#39;t stop laughing...
Sarastro- how far Troyes is from paris? and how did u get there?
Zam- as far as i heared prices are higer in paris than in Israel.
Bob- you haven%26#39;t been to Israel since 99%26#39;?! you gotta come again... do so in June-july when the weather is great so you can enjoy the great beaches and parties we have. As for shopping, i guess shopping in israel is much cheaper but if to be unique, i%26#39;ll have to pay more in Paris. unless anyone of u knows great outlet or deparments stores which sells good in good (prices).
i am defentlly going to check on La Vallée. Thanx for that Tip.
ps, when u wrote to check on stores in 16th what did you mean? where is it? and are those stores second hand clothing?!
and again, thanx for your help.
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