Can anyone recommend a good disco or nightclub near the Opera district or Gare du Nord? My sixteen year old daughter would like to go out at least one night while we%26#39;re in town (mom would be chaperoning). And, 16 is the legal drinking age, right?
not too far from opera there is le cabaret a fashion night club. i think the age for drinking is 18 but when a parent is there there is no pb at all, i drunk when i was 12 in a very hype club on nye with my mom, a friend i was with too and there was no pb. anyway in paris there are not so strict.
Bring lots of money, I have never paid more for alcohol in the world. A 250ml bottle of beer is 7Euro. A pint varies from 6.40 to 8.50 Euro.
Thank you both! We%26#39;re looking forward to our visit in Paris!
Sorry, but when you mean %26quot;chaperoning%26quot;, do you mean actually BEING PHYSICALLY THERE, like in high school dances? It%26#39;s definitely not done in France, and your daughter would die of shame, since everybody else would make fun of her. Le Cabaret is a very hip place, not really Mom-chaperoning-teenage-daughter like (or maybe on some naughty theme nights, but I don%26#39;t think they%26#39;re into that! ). There are teens only, alcohol free, earlier hours places around Paris. I am sure the Parisian soccer moms lurking on this forum could give you some addresses.
hum bob i dont see the pb at all!!! that IS something people do in paris, i can speak about as im 24 so its not so far ago. when i was 12 i went with my mom to les caves in courchevel on nye which is a very hip place, i had lots of fun. also i went to the caves of st tropez when i was 15 with my mum and her friends, had lots of fun, the place was the most hip in st tropez and bizarely didnt feel ashame but more happy that my mum would let me come with her in such a hip place! then after that i had lots of fun several times with her, but my mum looks young and is pretty, and is lots of fun that is maybe why :)
oh and by the way i went with my mum and her boyfriend and some friends of them, and with my best friend to le cabaret 2 years ago, no one made fun of us everybody was dancing together, but like i said sometimes it depends on the mum! but parentsof3 if you are fun, dont dress like a grandma, then you should have fun together and not be ashame!
Alex, we mustn%26#39;t have the same definition of %26quot;hip%26quot;: Courchevel and Saint Tropez, well, it might have been hip under Pompidou, now it is considered hip... by the Russian mafia maybe. As for Le Cabaret, maybe it escaped you, but it totally changed hands and clientele six months ago, and now it%26#39;s not at all the same place as when you used to go there.
I think I get the picture ParentsOf3. I took my 18 yr old daughter to Paris in November for her 18th birthday. We took her to the bar area in the Latin Quarter (Rue de la Huchette) and we went in this place called something like %26quot;sexy bar%26quot;. There was fake smog, and a bunch of male bartenders in little black shorts and shirtless. There were bras hanging around everywhere as decor? They played loud music and it was very touristy type fun, but still european enough. She had a great time. We also stopped in a Latin bar. Good, clean fun really.
So, in answer to your question, my daughter looks very young and never was a question asked.
well st tropez was hip 10 years ago, so when i was 15, well 9 years ago. also the cabaret was an example but i had lots of fun with her at doobies, man ray, many other places and the cabaret when it started was hip, and my sister had her 18years old birthday in december my mother came for 2 hours, everybody had lots of fun, and the friends of my sister rather thatn to be ashame said they would love to have a fun mother like that, the same for me when i go out with the mothers of some friends, we have so much fun, so i dont see why her daughter would be ashame of anything! it was the contrary with my sister, me and our friends, it can be so much fun to go out with mum! and please her daughter is 16 years old so i think people would make more fun of her if she says she went to a non alcoholic club for 12-16 years old tennage, on a sunday afternoon or saturday evening! she wants to have fun and see how real night clubs are in paris im sure rather than to go in a place for almost kids.
Exactly. She is 16 (but looks 21), and mom is 42 (but looks 32) so they want to go somewhere and have fun (but not too much fun - Dad is well aware of Parisian men!). So mom is there to keep daughter out of trouble, and daughter is there to keep mom out of trouble...
So yes, some place the locals might go for a good time on a Friday night is what we%26#39;re looking for.
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